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"This content was created with the Samsung NX1, provided by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd" |
Will I still use the NX1 going forward?.. Yes, it's a cracking camera, but for me it would be situational and used alongside my Nikon.
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"This content was created with the Samsung NX1, provided by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd" |
Size wise it is great, not too big not too small and very light for a DSLR. Mirror less, hence the weight. I can see all cameras venturing in to mirror less category, and there are no doubt many positive to this. You can see how the settings alter the image on the back of the camera or through the view finder, and it is quiet! Oh so quiet, even when rattling off the shots at 15fps... brilliant for wildlife!
It does take getting used to looking at a miniature screen through the view finder, but you do get used to it... and I found myself using the screen on the back a lot more. The screen being absolutely beautiful! Touch screen, and you can touch pretty much anywhere on the screen and have it focus there or even set it up to focus and then take a picture.
Downside to mirror less, battery life. It saps the battery life especially if you are using the screen on the back. With the vertical camera grip, I could just about get a days use out of it at moderate use. But if a photo heavy day, you would have to charge half way through. And they don't include a stand alone charger in their kit set up! You have to either buy that separately, or charge by plugging the whole camera in leaving it out of action.
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"This content was created with the Samsung NX1, provided by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd" |
The button layout is fairly standard, if you have not used another camera before you have nothing to compare it too, and if you have, it doesn't take too long to get used to. A few of the obvious main features, such as ISO and joystick control, can be a bit out of place to alter on the fly, and no joystick in particular on the vertical grip, but there is the option for a function button on the 'S' class lenses which you can set up for anything. A nice feature.
The build quality... to be honest, I was disappointed. Nothing wrong per say, but for the money you would have to invest in this camera, even body alone, I would expect it to feel a little more robust. Don't get me wrong, it's not flimsy by any stretch, but I would not be too confident with it out in any weather, and some of the buttons and pop up flash just feel a bit... well, less able to take wear and tear.
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"This content was created with the Samsung NX1, provided by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd" |
You can set up all sorts of options and setting on the NX1, many of which I never tried for I will never use them... but it's great to have them for those that do want them. You can even set it up to save any photo you take directly to your smart phone via bluetooth. Lot of options for in camera edits while taking the photos too, and it does have more of a lean towards people new to photography in that sense. I wouldn't want to call them the "gimmicky" options, even though I kind of just have :-) , but as above, I don't see any reason not to have them. If you don't like them, don't use them, and if they help someone out then great!
I just want to mention the screen again, because it truly is beautiful! The screen on the back of the camera is so clear and precise, but far the best I have seen on any camera, and as said previously... I didn't think I would ever use it originally, but soon found myself using it a lot and almost exclusively for some shots.
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"This content was created with the Samsung NX1, provided by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd" |
28MP. Fantastic! It does lead to large file size, but there are options to lower the MP count in camera if you are worried about that. The 28MP offers you plenty of options for cropping later, and still keep a highly detailed image. You need to make sure all is spot on in camera and with the original photo, but if you manage this, you can experiment with the crop later.
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"This content was created with the Samsung NX1, provided by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd" |
ISO is never as good in any camera as the companies profess it to be in my opinion, but the Samsung NX1 is very good at high ISO. Certainly no worse than most other cameras out there, and I would be very happy photographing at 6400 for large prints etc, and even 12800 or 25600 for web use!
Full screen the highest ISO values are ok for web use I think, it's only when you crop you really notice heavy noise. I was very impressed with the ISO capability of the NX1.
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"This content was created with the Samsung NX1, provided by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd" |
15 fps is stunning, simply put! I loved it, and for wildlife in capturing the little movements and motions it was fantastic. When the animal is in one place, but moving or twitching whiskers etc it really does help to give you options later.
The autofocus is very good and quick in good conditions, but struggles a little in poorer conditions where there may be less contrast between subject and background, back light or poor light. Often I found it searching, and even then sometimes didn't get it spot on. With moving animals, side to side was fine. but coming towards you and the camera struggled to have the focus keep up with the animal.
My biggest gripe with the camera, and more obvious when shooting a series in a burst, it displays the last image you have taken for a millisecond or so in the viewfinder. Making it harder to track what you are trying to focus for the next image. As far as I could see, there was no way to turn this off! This has to be an option in the future.
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"This content was created with the Samsung NX1, provided by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd" |
I am hoping this doesn't all come across as negative, as I honestly really do like the camera, but it is just I am used to using Nikon and have used Canons, and been lucky enough to be in a positions to use the high end of both of these 'Big Boys' when the professionals come to the Centre to test them. I can't help but look at how the Samsung compares. If it is a DSLR, and wants to eventually compete with them, it needs to hold its own.
Does it?.. Well, overall I would have to say not yet... but... BUT!!! There is a lot of potential there, and I think given their name and resources if anyone can get there it is possibly Samsung. The NX1 has a lot of potential. A lot it is doing right already, but I think it can improve in a few areas to really excel.
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"This content was created with the Samsung NX1, provided by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd" |
Photos straight from the camera just don't have the "oomph" I am used to. I can't explain it, but I feel there is just something missing from the image. Very good, again don't get me wrong, and I am very happy with them. But it's just something not there... maybe I am just too used to seeing images from my Nikon that I have a bias though.
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"This content was created with the Samsung NX1, provided by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd" |
One of the biggest problems I think though is price! The NX1 with the 'S' class 16-50mm lens and vertical camera grip is rep of £2,500. That is a lot of money! If you are already in to photography and willing to spend that, I would imagine you are probably already with Nikon or Canon. And if you are thinking of starting out, and have that amount as your budget, then due to reputation Nikon and Canon would probably be who you look too.
Simply put, for that price, I think you get more of a camera with one of the big boys in terms of build quality. And although you could argue the NX1 has more options and setting on paper, in reality the others would be more than capable and have the lens options etc which Samsung are currently lacking.
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"This content was created with the Samsung NX1, provided by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd" |
Do I like there Samsung NX1? Yes, very much so.
Will I still use the Samsung NX1? Yes, with out a doubt.
It is a cracking camera, and I have thoroughly enjoyed using it and testing it. It will certainly have a place in my kit bag alongside my Nikon D300s. I would imagine I will mainly still use my Nikon, I am so used to it and have the lenses I like. I also prefer the final image look. but the NX1 is a capable camera, and in some cases I can see myself choosing it over the Nikon for what I need around the Centre.
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"This content was created with the Samsung NX1, provided by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd" |
So to briefly conclude...
Not so good points:
- Build quality
- Focusing in poorer conditions/light
- Image displayed on screen after taking it in continuous shooting
Good points:
- ISO performance
- 28MP
- Light weight
Great points ;
- 15fps
- So very quiet!
- The screen on the back
Thanks to Samsung for giving me the opportunity to use the NX1, I hope you appreciate I have been honest with all feedback, and I greatly appreciate the camera you have given me.
Thanks to all the new viewers to this blog due to the NX1 posts. Hope you stick around to see more photographs I take from around the British Wildlife Centre.
And as always to you all, thanks for looking :-)
Excellent review Matt, stacks of useful information and well put together. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThanks Del.